Month: June 2018

Kayaking to the Bear Glacier near Stewart

Once I reach Smithers, I always feel like I’m almost home. With the right motivation, I could make that drive in one day. I was going to spend 2, possibly 3, more nights on the road, though. On Day 56 of the trip – Wednesday, June 20th – I...
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Exploring the Tumbler Ridge Geopark – Bergeron Falls

My third day exploring the Tumbler Ridge Global Geopark with local photographer Collin Ball was Day 53 of the trip – Sunday, June 17th. Collin had planned the longest hike yet, some 13 km (8 mi) into Bergeron Falls and back. I had read some reviews online that confused...
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Exploring Grande Cache: Sulphur Gates and Eaton Falls

After re-visiting Ogre Canyon near Hinton in the morning of Day 49 of the trip – Wednesday, June 13 – we headed north to Grande Cache for a night or maybe two. I had several hikes in mind, with Sulphur Gates and Eaton Falls being at the top of...
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Another visit to Ogre Canyon near Hinton, Alberta

Ogre Canyon is a place that I’ve thought about many times since my son first took Cathy and I to see it in September 2015. After that first visit, I posted “No photo or words can do justice to that sight – powerful, awesome, a spiritual experience…”. On Day...
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In search of the Brule Sand Dunes at Hinton

The plan for my first full day in Hinton – Day 48 of the trip, Tuesday, June 12th – was to find the Brule Sand Dunes and to re-visit Ogre Canyon, which my son had taken Cathy and I to a few years ago. Things didn’t go as well...
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Driving Highway 11 and the Icefields Parkway to Hinton

After 3 days boondocking along Abraham Lake, I moved north to Hinton on Day 47 of the trip – Monday, June 11th. With the load of fresh snow that got dropped on Sunday, Highway 11 and the Icefields Parkway had the potential to be spectacular – well, even more...
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