Category: 1New Post

Writing a Chilliwack-area trail guide, 1988-1990

When I lived in BC (the first 40 years of my life), I spent an ever-increasing amount of time in the spectacular Chilliwack River and Skagit River valleys. In 1988 I had an idea that a trail guide would be a useful addition to BC bookstore shelves. By the...
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Another hike to the upper Venus silver mine

As I get older, the Yukon’s historic Venus silver mine (the primary subject of my first book) has become my fitness test. On Wednesday, I made my third attempt in a month to reach it. I made it. At 71, it was my slowest ever for the steep climb...
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Modifying my fleet of vehicles – selling and painting

Cathy and I spent a couple of nights in Vancouver last week – another medical trip for me. I was feeling well enough to take a lot of photos with the idea of writing a blog post about it, but the size and complexity is overwhelming and I haven’t...
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My giant leap into the world of aviation 55 years ago

I seem to have never acknowledged this day (May 30th) for its significance as a life-changing day. It would certainly be on the very short list of the most significant such days ever for me. This day, May 30th, 55 years ago, was my first time in an airplane....
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A short drive but a big step

Well, my friends, I don’t know how this will end, but I’m going to try to write a blog post in the style of “the before times.” If successful it will be my second post in 6 months. I have two things going on health-wise. I’m not going to...
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A glimpse into my brain-injury world

My regular readers will know that I haven’t posted on the blog for a very long time (since November 25th). For the past few days I’ve been trying to write a post that will give you a glimpse into my current world. It’s a confusing and overwhelming place, and...
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A visit to the Yamnuska Wolfdog Sanctuary at Cochrane

It’s wonderful to finally get to spend a week with my daughter and son. This morning, I suggested that we go out to the Yamnuska Wolfdog Sanctuary, located 60 west near Cochrane. Despite being on the list of places I wanted to see for many years, Cathy and I...
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Flying to Calgary for a week

This post is rather odd in that I’m writing it 2½ weeks after the event, and back-dating to when I would normally have written it, that afternoon. The reason for this is that my brain injury symptoms flared up in a major way a few weeks ago and I’m...
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An incredible night of aurora borealis

I’ve just come in from one of the most amazing aurora shows I’ve ever seen, and after dying down, it’s ramping up again as I write this. There are photos being posted from all over Canada, so a whole lot of people are getting to experience this one. Although...
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Seeing the Trumpeter swan migration up close

While the Spring migration of the Trumpeter and Tundra swans through the southern Yukon is a major event, the Fall migration is generally not, because there is no massive gathering of thousands of swans. At least there’s no massive gathering in a place that’s easy to get to. In...
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