Category: Kluane Lake

A 6-day RV outing to Kluane Lake: Part 2

When I left off Part 1 of this journal, I was watching a bulldozer groom the banks of Silver Creek, on Friday, September 4th. In a few hours Cathy would be arriving from Whitehorse, but I had more exploring to do at the head of Kluane Lake. I was...
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A 6-day RV outing to Kluane Lake: Part 1

First, if you came to read anything on the blog in the past 12 days, my apologies for the blank pages. My tech support has been very good the past several years I’ve been with them, but sure dropped the ball on this one. I still don’t really understand...
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I’m back – my first good road trip in 6 months

Well, my friends, I’m back. I found someone with the skills needed to solve my health mystery. I’ll tell you more about that at the end of this post. Yesterday was Day 12 of feeling better, and I did the final test – I drove out to Kluane Lake...
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Out the Alaska Highway to Kluane Lake

With the beautiful light returning, I’m getting road fever, so on Monday I decided to take Bella and Tucker on a drive out to Kluane Lake. My post on Facebook as I started out said, “I probably just need a bunch of fresh air and mountains to get better...
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From sun and sand to snow at Kluane Lake, Yukon

The weather was spectacular on Friday, July 26th, and I planned to get a lot of walking done before Cathy arrived that night, to join us for a motorhome weekend. Our first walk of the day was towards the Slims River. Tucker always appreciates it when I play ball...
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Back to Kluane Lake for 4 days – Part 1

I’d been itching to get back on the road but things kept getting in the way – projects at home, wildfires, lousy weather, and on and on. On Wednesday, July 24th, though, things finally lined up to go one direction at least – west to Kluane Lake and hopefully...
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Two days on the beach with the dogs at Kluane Lake, Yukon

My life is rather in chaos this summer for a variety of reasons, and two of my major trips have been cancelled so far. On Thursday, July 4th, though, I finally got away with the motorhome in the early afternoon. I headed west on the Alaska Highway, but with...
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Four days camping and playing at Kluane Lake, Yukon

My regular readers may have noticed that we haven’t been out in the motorhome much this year. There’s a lot going on, but last Friday we finally got away to Kluane Lake for a much-needed break. After a few delays (I had initially planned on going out Tuesday), the...
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This season’s final RV camping weekend at Kluane Lake

A last-minute decision took Cathy and I back out to Kluane Lake this past weekend, for our final RV camping weekend of this season. With night-time temperatures nearing -15°C (+5°F) later this week, it’s time to get my water system winterization done. We arrived at our favourite campground, Congdon...
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