Category: Kluane Lake

A day-trip to Kluane

On Monday morning (February 12th), I had just gotten home from a session with my osteopath and had started making brunch when I got a message from a friend that said simply “It’s clear blue skies all the way to the junction.” Being one who often takes hints quite...
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9 days at Kluane Lake, Yukon – Part 2 of 2

When I left you last post, I had just poured myself a celebratory glass of very good single-malt on the evening of Tuesday, September 6. The day wasn’t over yet, though. Seeing great light on the beach just before 9:00 pm, Cathy and I went down and were greeted...
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9 days at Kluane Lake, Yukon – Part 1 of 2

Although I’ve gotten ahead of myself with a couple of posts, I would still like to share our 9 days at Kluane Lake with you. I’ve gathered 65 photos so will do it in 2 posts. Although we didn’t do anything major, there was a fair bit of variety,...
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A Kluane Lake aurora show

We got home last night from 9 days at Congdon Creek Campground on Kluane Lake. A few minutes before 02:00 on September 4th, an excellent display began. As is often the case, I woke up just before it began. When the show started, I quickly got my camera gear...
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Some e-biking near the head of Kluane Lake

While we didn’t use the e-bikes as much as we’d planned to during our 9 days at Kluane Lake for a variety of reasons, we still had some excellent rides, so I thought a separate post for all of them would be appropriate. On our first full day at...
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Four mornings of aurora borealis at Kluane Lake, Yukon

One of the big gifts that Mother Nature sent me during our 9 days at Congdon Creek Campground on Kluane Lake was 4 mornings of aurora borealis displays. They were a very big surprise as the aurora forecast I rely on said there was pretty much no chance of...
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A 9-day mental health break at Kluane Lake: Part 2/2

Monday, September 6th, was our 5th day away from home, our 4th full day at Congdon Creek Campground. I started the day just before 10:00 by taking Tucker with me for a drive to photograph mountains and whatever in the gorgeous sunshine. Our first stop was at the Slim’s...
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A 9-day mental health break at Kluane Lake: Part 1/2

Cathy and the dogs and I got home Friday night (September 10th) from our best “staycation” ever – 9 days with the RV at Congdon Creek Campground on Kluane Lake, with no cell service or Internet access. I’d had about all the covid and politics I could handle, so...
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On 2 wheels – outings with the e-bike and the gas-bike

On Tuesday and Wednesday (May 4th and 5th), I made two rides that were significant in my life. On Tuesday I did the longest ride yet on my new e-bike, just over 30 kilometers. And yesterday I did a 504-km ride to Kluane Lake on the V-Star – it’s...
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A 2-day winter wander to Kluane Lake, Yukon

Ten days ago, back on Saturday, December 19th, I decided that I needed to get out of here for a bit. Not far, just away by myself for a night or two. So on a rather blah day at about 2:30 in the afternoon, I headed west, destination probably...
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