Month: July 2023

To Skagway on 2 wheels with a friend

“Everyone needs a friend who will call and say ‘Get dressed, we’re going on an adventure.'” is one of my favourite travel quotes, and having friends like that is really important to me now. A long-time friend messaged me recently and asked if I’d like to join him on...
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Biking the Trans Canada Trail south of Whitehorse

This is the final post (for a long while at least) about biking in the area behind my home. I really want to show you this ride, though, because this section of the Trans Canada Trail is usually wet, muddy, and disappointing, but this one was dry and superb....
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A look at the Wolf Creek ATV trail

I’m spending a fair bit of time on the bike in the neighbourhood, but I’m only going to write 2 more blog posts about those outings unless something really different appears on one. After the 53-km ride on July 8th, I only did 22 km on the 9th –...
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A 53-km ride along the Whitehorse Copper Belt

Back in the Whitehorse Copper Belt again. As July 8th began, I posted this on Facebook: “At 04:50 (6 minutes after sunrise) Environment Canada says it’s 19C in town, but my weather station says it’s 9C here – stepping outside, I know that 9 is the correct number. I...
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First visits to Caribou Lake, Yukon

A few months ago a friend asked if I’d like to go to a lake that neither of us had been to before. Caribou Lake is easy to access from the Alaska Highway but neither of us knew anything about it beyond what we see on maps. Click here...
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An e-bike wander in the Whitehorse Copper Belt

Summer has arrived in the southern Yukon in a major way. We’re now hovering around record temperatures (8-10 degrees above normal) every day for at least the next week, and I’m of course looking for ways to enjoy as much of it as possible. On Wednesday afternoon (July 5th)...
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A Whitehorse Copper Belt railway hike

Last week, Tim Green offered to take members of my Yukon History & Abandoned Places group on a guided hike of the Copper Mines Branch of the White Pass & Yukon Route railway. On July 2nd, 8 people and a St. Bernard joined him – we walked a total...
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