Month: July 2021

Back in Vancouver – a walk at Kitsilano

Last week Cathy and I had to return to Vancouver. It was another medical trip unfortunately, but walking and photography are stress relievers for me and I put on about 35 km during the 2 full and 2 part days there. The 3 main walks are mostly what I’ll...
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Four days RVing in the White Pass: Part 3/3

Continuing on with the story, after dinner on Saturday, July 17th, we drove back to Summit Creek to do a little walk. A very little walk because that’s all Cathy can handle right now. A couple of the small trees overlooking Summit Lake. Nearest is a subalpine fir (Abies...
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Hiking Border Ridge in the White Pass again

On the afternoon of Saturday, July 17th, our third day in the White Pass, I took Tucker on a big hike up what I call Border Ridge. It doesn’t have a name and pretty much nobody else goes there so I get to call it whatever I want 🙂...
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Four days RVing in the White Pass: Part 1/3

We finally got away in the motorhome for a few days last week (we left home on Thursday, July 15th). It was just to the White Pass, but it was wonderful to get back into the mountains. Getting the rig ready to go was a long slow process –...
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Indian Residential School Memorial in Vancouver

In my wanders around Vancouver last week, I came across a memorial to the victims of the Indian residential school system. It was initially created by First Nations artist Tamara Bell with 215 pairs of children’s shoes (see this CTV article), but it appears to have become less an...
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Two+ days of great architecture and food in Vancouver

We had no real plans for our trip to Vancouver other than medical visits and a couple of dinners Cathy had booked, but photographing Vancouver’s great architecture can keep me amused for many days. We had two part days and two full ones in the city this time. I...
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Exploring western BC from 35,000 feet

Cathy and I got home yesterday afternoon from a 4-day trip to Vancouver. This is the first of 3 blog posts from it – this one covers the flight down, the next will be the Vancouver experience, and the final one will be about the Indian residential school memorial...
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Flood watch: a high-water tour of the Southern Lakes

Yesterday I took a drive around the Tagish-Carcross loop to have a look at the rapidly rising waters in what we call the Southern Lakes – the headwaters of the Yukon River. A perfect storm has set the stage for the worst flooding ever seen in the region. As...
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