Month: July 2019

From sun and sand to snow at Kluane Lake, Yukon

The weather was spectacular on Friday, July 26th, and I planned to get a lot of walking done before Cathy arrived that night, to join us for a motorhome weekend. Our first walk of the day was towards the Slims River. Tucker always appreciates it when I play ball...
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Back to Kluane Lake for 4 days – Part 1

I’d been itching to get back on the road but things kept getting in the way – projects at home, wildfires, lousy weather, and on and on. On Wednesday, July 24th, though, things finally lined up to go one direction at least – west to Kluane Lake and hopefully...
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A wildfire evacuation, and driving the Alaska Hwy back home

In my last post, we had all laid down for a late afternoon nap at the Snag Junction Campground on the Alaska Highway. After leaving my regular readers hanging in my last post, I apologize for the delay in posting this one. Cathy brought a nasty bug home from...
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Two days on the beach with the dogs at Kluane Lake, Yukon

My life is rather in chaos this summer for a variety of reasons, and two of my major trips have been cancelled so far. On Thursday, July 4th, though, I finally got away with the motorhome in the early afternoon. I headed west on the Alaska Highway, but with...
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