Wilderness, Photography & History – Montana Mountain

For many people, the wilderness is therapeutic. For others, photography works the same way. On Wednesday (September 6th), I guided professional photographers Robin Armour (from Yukon Tourism) and Patrick Close (the current artist-in-residence at the Ted Harrison Artist Retreat at Crag Lake) up Montana Mountain for a day of...
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Glacier calving – how big are those splashes?

When you’re standing in front of a glacier, it’s usually all but impossible to get a sense of scale – there’s just nothing close to it that you can compare it to. If you get lucky and see the glacier calving, just how big is that splash?? On my...
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Licence Plate Commentary

Personalized licence plates (a.k.a. “vanity plates”) are really catching on in the North recently. Last year, the folks at Alaska Tourism turned the concept into an excellent marketing tool with the plate seen below – ads that make you think are bound to be successful, and the thought that...
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Busy Exploring!

Despite the very long silence here, I haven’t died since retiring from bus driving a few weeks ago – I’ve just been out having fun. The Outback is getting a good workout (to the right, crossing a creek on the Alsek Road), the Canon Digital Rebel an even better...
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Exploring Denali National Park, Alaska

July 18, 2006: Fairbanks to Denali National Park – 125 milesI dropped my group off at the Alaska Railroad for their trip to the park, while I went ahead with the motorcoach and got their luggage into their hotel rooms before meeting them at the Denali railroad depot. This...
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Exploring Fairbanks, Alaska

The sign above the Trans Alaska oil pipeline interpretive site says “Canada my ass, it’s Alaska’s Gas!” – that’s one of the slogans used by the Alaskan Independence Party. It refers to the current controversy about building a natural gas pipeline down the Alaska Highway, which will require paying...
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Zipping Through the North

The hottest new active-tourism excursion in Alaska and the Yukon is the zipline tour. There are now 4 lines operating in Ketchikan and Juneau, Alaska, another in Whitehorse, Yukon, 2 more slated to open in Girdwood and Hoonah, Alaska, and another one possible in the Yukon. A zipline tour...
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