The best ad campaign of the decade

I’ve just seen a TV ad that prompted me to immediately go the Web site “for more information.” That in itself is a good indication of an ad that has worked, because that only happens a couple of times a year (and this isn’t even for a product I’m likely to use). I had to see where the ad was leading, though, and I’m very pleased that I did. The campaign is brilliant in both concept and execution.

Confident, happy women are beautiful women, regardless of their age or body type, and the fact that these women are willing to have nude photos of themselves published is a good sign that they know it. Women such as the ones Dove found, and their male counterparts, though, are nothing new among naturists, as you can see from the American Association for Nude Recreation site (the AANR has 50,000 members – lots more information at

American Association for Nude Recreation