Category: Mines & Mining

Exploring the Whistler area

Yesterday was a combination of exploring Whistler Village on foot, and driving down Howe Sound to see some of the attractions. The first photo was shot near the gondolas, and is very much a typical Whistler scene. Cathy and I are really enjoying this place – it’s a wonderful...
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Down Memory Lane at 100kmh…

I took the long way around from Kelowna to Abbotsford today, and as usual, I wished that I had more time. I’d really forgotten how much time I used to spend along the Hope-Princeton Highway and the southern Okanagan, but as location after location triggered memories I stopped quite...
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Historic Venus Mine buildings washed away

This morning, I again awoke to fairly heavy snow falling. That makes yesterday’s sunshine even more special – it prompted another trip to Skagway, and it turned out to be a superb day. The light was spectacular, and there were enough clouds to provide a lot of drama through...
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