Category: Mines & Mining

Through Nelson and New Denver to Sandon

On Days 18, 19, and 20 of the trip – Sunday-Tuesday, May 13-15 – we drove from Greenwood to Nelson for a one-night stay, then to New Denver for 2 nights. Although I have lots to tell you about New Denver, the focus of this post will be Sandon,...
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Exploring Drumheller’s Atlas Coal Mine, and a bad road choice

Continuing on our Drumheller-area wander, our next stop after the East Coulee Hoodoo Park was the Atlas Coal Mine National Historic Site. Although I’d been to Drumheller a few times, this was my first time going down the Red River Valley, and I was thoroughly enjoying it. This would...
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RVing North – from Whitehorse to Keno and Dawson

On Friday evening, July 28th, Cathy and I headed north for 9 days of exploring and relaxing. We camped for 2 nights en route to Dawson City, including a detour to Mayo and Keno City. On Sunday, Cathy will fly home from Dawson and I’ll wander for another week...
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Driving the Granduc Road to the Salmon Glacier and beyond

On very wet Day 60 of the trip, June 24th, we spent the afternoon driving up what used to be called the Granduc Road out of Stewart. I picked up a copy of the “Glacier Highway and Salmon Glacier Self Guided Auto Tour” brochure (available as a 2.3 MB...
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Driving from Lillooet to Goldbridge and Bralorne

One of my aims for our visit to Lillooet was to spend a day on “the road much less travelled”, to the historic gold mining towns of Goldbridge and Bralorne. What a day it was! There are 58 photos and a map in this post. Click here to open...
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Exploring the historic Suquash Coal Mine near Port Hardy

After a fabulous morning on the water at Port McNeill on Day 23, May 18th, we still had plenty of exploring time, so hiked in to the historic Suquash Coal Mine near Port Hardy. Bobbie started this tour by showing us the “World’s Largest Burl” – that is actually...
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Late-Fall exploring along the Top of the World Highway

Friday, September 23rd, was mostly a day of wandering along the Top of the World Highway back to Dawson City, exploring some side roads along the way. The world didn’t look the way I had expected it would in the morning. Despite heavy rain, strong, dry winds from the...
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Back in Dawson City again – never bored

My first stop in Dawson City when I arrived at noon on Wednesday (September 21st) was the Visitor Reception Centre. I had decided that the ghost towns of Forty Mile and Clinton Creek would be the first destinations, and I wanted to find out if they had any information...
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A glacier day at Stewart, BC

At Meziadin Lake Provincial Park, Cathy and I both felt that we were home – back in the North. It looked and smelled familiar, and we soon decided to stay for a third night. On Day 51 of the trip – Monday, June 13th – we’d drive into Stewart...
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