Checking on the progress of the new Nisutlin Bay Bridge at Teslin
I’ve been watching the planning and construction progress of the Nisutlin Bay Bridge at Teslin since it all began, and have been planning for many months to drive down for a look. With Spring approaching, I’m getting very itchy to hit the road in some form, so when I...
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The most incredible aurora in decades!
This is the fourth post in a row about photographing the aurora borealis, but it will be the last one for quite a while. The posts have been about progressively better displays, but there’s nowhere to go after this one. I haven’t seen any reports from scientists yet, but...
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Six days “doing nothing” at Kluane Lake
From the morning of July 28th until the afternoon of August 3rd, Cathy and I were at Congdon Creek Campground on Kluane Lake. I wasn’t going to write a blog post because we didn’t do anything of note. But then a friend commented that perhaps that’s what is worth...
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A day-trip to Kluane
On Monday morning (February 12th), I had just gotten home from a session with my osteopath and had started making brunch when I got a message from a friend that said simply “It’s clear blue skies all the way to the junction.” Being one who often takes hints quite...
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A little drive down the Alaska Highway hoping for caribou
Sometimes it takes a friend to help you get un-stuck. Having tea with a friend has done that for me, and here’s the second little post as a result. It’s really easy to get flat during the winter. Even Bella and Tucker do – and despite having a house...
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A drive to Kluane – hoar frost and sheep
Yesterday started off as a drive into Whitehorse to pick up a new phone, but kept evolving and turned into a superb drive to Kluane Lake and back – 8 hours, 511 km. I had taken some extra photo gear and clothing with me with a drive of some...
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First visits to Caribou Lake, Yukon
A few months ago a friend asked if I’d like to go to a lake that neither of us had been to before. Caribou Lake is easy to access from the Alaska Highway but neither of us knew anything about it beyond what we see on maps. Click here...
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A 300-km day trip on the motorcycle
On Thursday (May 25th), I took the V-Star out for a wander, and it turned out to be an excellent day, despite the last hour of the 6-hour outing being in the rain. My day’s activities actually began at the Whitehorse airport. On Wednesday evening I had gone there...
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9 days at Kluane Lake, Yukon – Part 2 of 2
When I left you last post, I had just poured myself a celebratory glass of very good single-malt on the evening of Tuesday, September 6. The day wasn’t over yet, though. Seeing great light on the beach just before 9:00 pm, Cathy and I went down and were greeted...
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A Kluane Lake aurora show
We got home last night from 9 days at Congdon Creek Campground on Kluane Lake. A few minutes before 02:00 on September 4th, an excellent display began. As is often the case, I woke up just before it began. When the show started, I quickly got my camera gear...
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