Month: July 2018

White Pass: 2 days canoeing and hiking to an un-named valley

Pretty much ever since I started driving the South Klondike Highway between Whitehorse and Skagway in 1990, a particular valley to the east of Summit Lake near the White Pass summit has intrigued me. Clearly carved out by a massive glacier, spectacular peaks loom behind a series of waterfalls....
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RV Life: Costs and experiences during 59 days on the road

We got home from our 59-day RV trip around British Columbia and western Alberta on June 23rd. We’ve already been on another 5-day outing to Kluane Lake, which allowed me time to finish off my blog posts from the big trip, and now I want to finish off the...
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The final leg, driving from Stewart to Whitehorse

On Day 58 of the trip – Friday, June 22nd – we began the drive from Stewart to our home in Whitehorse. I expected that we’d overnight somewhere along the way – Boya Lake if the weather was good enough – but sometimes I get get-home-itis on that last...
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Exploring the Granduc Road to the Salmon Glacier and beyond

On Day 57 of the trip – Thursday, June 21st – the dogs and I drove past Stewart, through Hyder, and up the spectacular Granduc Road. Most people turn around at the Salmon Glacier viewpoint, but we continued on to the site of the Granduc copper mine where I...
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