The Canol Project on Kindle
I’m fascinated by the ways that technology is constantly providing new doors to open. Sometimes the doors lead to places that didn’t exist before, sometimes they just take you to the same place via a different route. Over the past few days it’s been Kindle that’s provided a new route for me.
We picked up Cathy’s new Kindle in Skagway a few days ago, and after seeing how it works it occurred to me that it could help with a couple of my back-burner projects – getting the books that I published 14 years ago as Pathfinder Publications back into circulation. The easiest one to format for Kindle as a test of the concept would be “Mackenzie Breakup”, a historical novel about the Canol Project during World War II. It was written by Jean Kadmon, who I met in the bar at the Westmark Beaver Creek when I was driving tour bus back in 1995 (you can read more about that meeting and the original book publication here).
It took a couple of days to turn the original Word document into a clean html document, which is the best format for Kindle eBook creation, but Mackenzie Breakup is now available at Amazon 🙂
While I love real books, we found that getting a good cover for the Kindle allows it to fold open so you can hold it like a real book – a very light hardcover book.

I’m now working on Fractured Veins & Broken Dreams, the book that I wrote about the Carcross-area silver mines. The formatting is much more complex and I’m doing a bit of a re-write as well so this will take a few weeks, but getting it Kindled will probably be the spur I need to actually do another print run. When copies of the book come up for sale locally or at ABEBooks (a rare occurrence), they sell for $75-125 – making the orginal $20 purchase price a good investment (I should have held back 100 copies or so!).