Spring fever – get outside!!
Early Spring, when Yukoners and Alaskans try to blow the winter cobwebs out of their brains. It looks like everyone is on the road this weekend.
On Friday we went to Carcross and I dug my way into the long-neglected cabin through thigh-deep snow. It felt great to sit on the deck in the rocker for a few minutes, even though the wind still has a Winter bite to it. With the snowpack we have this year, it’ll be many weeks until I can get the kilometer-long road in to the cabin cleared unless I hire a Cat 🙁

Yesterday Cathy and the dogs and I went to Skagway – Cathy hasn’t been there since last Fall. Through the White Pass, every pull-out was full of RVs and sled trailers – hundreds of them. It started snowing as we passed Log Cabin and visibility was very poor so not many sleds were moving on our way south, but things got much better later in the day and conditions appeared to be excellent, with several inches of fresh snow overnight (it snowed right down to sea level).

One of the places we always go in Skagway is the Klothes Rush – an outdoor-oriented shop that knows how to put on a a sale. My incredible-deal-of-the-day was not one but two pair of Mion Flood Gate sport sandals – regular $95, the cheapest place online is Amazon at $70, and I paid $14 (I go through a lot of sandals so bought both pair that fit me) 🙂
Bikers get Spring fever, too – the snow and heavy slush we went through on the way down must have been “interesting” to ride in!

The light was so beautiful on the way back to Whitehorse that we made a few stops, the last one being at the cabin so I could update the photo on what used to be my webcam page but is now just a photo that’s as recent as possible.