Images of a coming Spring

Sorry, no photos of crocuses yet – I haven’t even seen any swans. But bit by bit Spring is progressing, and today I saw something that confirmed it.

On Sunday, we had our first barbecue of the year. I even laid out for a couple of hours and got some serious suntanning done. That was a good start to the feeling of Spring approaching.

Our first Spring barbecue - March

On Monday I hired one of my neighbours to bring his Bobcat over and scrape off the hard-packed snow and ice that my snowblower had left behind on the driveway, to hurry the melt. Not only does that reduce the mud problem, it also gets my motorcycle to the now-dry highways quicker. Doing it with a shovel may be good exercise (or it may just be a frustrating way to wreck my back), but having the Bobcat do the work was a great way to spend 75 bucks.

A skidsteer clearing my Yukon driveway in March

On Tuesday I saw the first motorcycle on the highway, and today, the first cement truck! When the average daily temperature is high enough to allow concrete to cure, I know that winter is over! 🙂

First cement truck on the Yukon season

It feels like we’re about 3 weeks ahead of normal now, and the 14-day forecast calls for continued above-normal temperatures. So the swan and crocus photos won’t be long in coming. The next time I go to Skagway, I have a bunch of toys to pick up for the bike – including a helmet cam and a luggage rack for the major road trip coming.