Whitehorse attractions – Miles Canyon, the SS Klondike and more…
Whitehorse is a great town to be a tourist in. As well as having spectacular wilderness not only at our back door but within the city boundaries, we have a large number of really high quality man-made attractions. We had company from southern British Columbia last week (one of...
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The “Motorcycle Ride For Dad” program
Have you heard about the Motorcycle Ride For Dad yet? Its mission is to raise funds in order to save men’s lives by supporting prostate cancer research while at the same time raising public awareness of the disease. See ridefordad.ca for much more information about rides across the country....
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Air Canada Jazz to disappear from Whitehorse
The familiar Jazz aircraft paint schemes will start disappearing from Whitehorse airport sometime after June 1st. Replacing “Jazz” will be “Air Canada Express”, part of an ongoing re-branding of all Air Canada’s regional services for consistency. An Air Canada press release this morning states: “The name Air Canada Express...
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A Yukon natural history day
I spent Friday at a Natural History and Nature Interpretation workshop. Offered to Yukon guides by the Wilderness Tourism Association of the Yukon, its purpose was to increase the level of knowledge of people who already have a solid base and to help them interpret the Yukon’s wildlife and...
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Sternwheeler getting some Yukoners steamed
A well designed and executed logo should say a lot about a community, and residents have every right to take it personally. The design that was chosen to “re-brand” Whitehorse recently has a lot of people upset, both because it’s a very poor design (in my opinion), and because...
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USAF spy plane in Whitehorse
This USAF Open Skies OC-135B Observation Aircraft was in Whitehorse on February 17, 2011. A chance phone call to my wife alerted me to its presence, and I spent over an hour filming the activity around it, much of it seeming to be dealing with the air temperature of...
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Yukon Quest & hot air balloons
Despite a good weather forecast for this past weekend, I had good intentions to get some work done. Then a couple came into the office and I got a reminder that this was Yukon Quest weekend – how did that sneak up on me? Cathy had heard that the...
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Winter light
We’re now in the most extreme part of winter. It can go from being very dark and ugly to being stunningly beautiful in a very short period. The first photo was shot from my desk at the travel agency on Friday at 09:53 am, with ice fog caused by...
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Flights from Whitehorse to Europe
Dreaming about a Danube River cruise, I was looking at possible flights to Europe this year. There are 4 main possibilities, but all are either awkward or expensive. For the first week of June: Condor: Whitehorse to Frankfurt and back, direct both ways – $921 per person, but only...
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Weird weather
The world’s weather seems to get more bizarre every year. Yesterday, 49 states had snow cover according to the National Weather Service (every state but Florida, which did have snow a few days ago). Here in the Yukon, it’s looking like it will go a bit below -40°C tonight,...
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