History and renovations fill my days
After the very long, very warm spell of weather, we’ve started to drop back down to normal temperatures – it’s currently -15°C (+5°F), a nice mild day in a normal January. We have a lot of sunshine forecast for the next week, and I hope to be able to...
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Early Yukon motoring
With the weather not very conducive to Adventures lately, the vast majority of my time is being spent on house renovations. But History is always part of my life, and I’ve spent a bit of time going through my files of old newspaper articles. A couple that caught my...
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Finding Ruth Lake – the conclusion
In my last post, Monty and I had had an excellent day exploring along a long-abandoned section of the White Pass & Yukon Route railway, but I’d been unable to confirm the exact location of the scene on a century-old playing card showing “Ruth Lake”. On Thursday, my fur-buddy...
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The History Hounds, sniffing around the White Pass railroad
It’s funny how sometimes a subject or a person that hasn’t been in your life for quite a while will all of a sudden appear over and over in a short period. This past week, that subject was the White Pass & Yukon Route railway. It actually began with...
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Exploring WP&YR railway history in Skagway
We continue to have a wonderful Fall (or Early Winter), and on Monday, with a fairly good weather forecast for both Whitehorse and Skagway, I decided to take a drive to Skagway. I was away from the house just before the 09:15 sunrise, expecting some good light on the...
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Exploring Mission Santa Barbara, California
I may be back home in the Yukon now, but my head is still in California 🙂 We spent Friday seeing more of Santa Barbara, with the main destination for the day being the historic Mission. Mission Santa Barbara was founded by Franciscan Padre FermÃn Lasuén on December 4,...
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Exploring Astoria, Oregon
Astoria was the port I was really looking forward to on this cruise on the Norwegian Sun I may have passed through briefly during a drive a few decades ago, but had never had a good look at the community. A couple of history-oriented friends in Whitehorse like it,...
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Exploring the Aishihik Road & Aishihik air base
There aren’t too many roads in the Yukon, or even in Alaska, that I haven’t driven at some point over the last 23 years, but there’s one fairly close to Whitehorse that I hadn’t seen completely yet – the Aishihik Road (that’s pronounced ay-shee-ack). The furthest I’d been up...
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Hiking the Lower Dewey Lake Trail at Skagway
With good weather continuing, I’m still not spending much time at home, so I’m getting further and further behind with my postings here (as well as a few other projects). I got up at 1:00 to watch a good Northern Lights show this morning, and decided to just stay...
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Flight to Yukon history
As much as I enjoy hiking into some of the fascinating historic sites we have in the Whitehorse-Skagway area backcountry, there are times when I think that it would be great to have some mechanical assist, whether that be an ATV, a boat, a helicopter or a float plane....
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