Category: History

Another C-47 / DC-3 crash site in the Yukon

A post a couple of days ago in one of the history groups I belong to was a query about a C-47 / DC-3 crash that I hadn’t heard about. The thought was that it is in the Richardson Mountains along the Yukon’s Arctic Coast. The query was prompted...
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Exploring Drumheller’s Atlas Coal Mine, and a bad road choice

Continuing on our Drumheller-area wander, our next stop after the East Coulee Hoodoo Park was the Atlas Coal Mine National Historic Site. Although I’d been to Drumheller a few times, this was my first time going down the Red River Valley, and I was thoroughly enjoying it. This would...
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Hiking the Old Alaska Highway Trail

This is a section of the original 1942 road that ran along the top of the cliffs along Muncho Lake. The road/trail can be seen angling up the far slope in the next photo. The hiking guide rates it as Easy, and says that the 4-km return hike should...
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Relaxing and poking around Dawson City

Cathy and I had 3 nights (July 31st and August 1st and 2nd) and 2 full days to explore the Dawson area. We didn’t have any plans, but saw a little bit of a lot, and spent a lot of time just relaxing at the Yukon River Campground in...
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RVing North – from Whitehorse to Keno and Dawson

On Friday evening, July 28th, Cathy and I headed north for 9 days of exploring and relaxing. We camped for 2 nights en route to Dawson City, including a detour to Mayo and Keno City. On Sunday, Cathy will fly home from Dawson and I’ll wander for another week...
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Back to Fort Selkirk on Canada’s Parks Day

Fort Selkirk is one of the most significant historic sites in the Yukon, and countless millions of dollars have been spent there in the past couple of decades. Few people will ever see the site, though, as you need to have a boat to get there. Each year on...
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