Are you where you want to be?

One of the comments on my storm cleanup post got me to thinking about how many people aren’t where they want to be in a physical sense, and a post yesterday at Aasman’s site expanded that same question to the psychological place.

I regularly re-evaluate where I am in both senses. It’s not usually a really detailed assessment, more an “am I content?” question that opens the possibility of change. I’ve made some extreme changes over the years, sometimes not voluntarily, but I think I’ve now got it very close to being right. I still at times work too hard at things I don’t particularly enjoy, but that’s way down from what it was even 3 years ago. During our recent trip, we encountered many people, particularly in Florida, who clearly hate their jobs – thankfully we met more who enjoyed what they were doing.

Would I move from the Yukon? It’s always a possibility, but neither of us have seen a place that would get us to move when all things are considered. The far north of New Zealand is the closest we’ve come so far, and that may not be totally off the table yet. The photo at the bottom shows Pakiri Beach, probably the place in New Zealand that could get me packing.

Part of getting older is apparently looking back at the things you’ve done and assessing them. I do that more and more in recent years, and unfortunately am embarassed by some of the things I’ve done. Occasionally something triggers the old me to return for a sentence or two, but he’s mostly just a memory. Those triggers always involve people who don’t give a damn about other people, who think that their needs are the only thing worth considering as they go through their lives.

Some people I know aren’t where they want to be, but have a hundred excuses for why they’re stuck where they are. I don’t usually buy it, though – the world has nearly-infinite options, and most of us have the ability to choose which path to take.

I hope that you are where you belong, or at least are on the path to that place. 🙂

Pakiri Beach, New Zealand