Cleaning up after the snowstorm

Over the past 48 hours or so we’ve had high winds and almost constant snow. The wind and snow have stopped and now it’s time to assess the damage and start the cleanup.

I was quite shocked to look out the bedroom window yesterday and see the portable garage totally destroyed. It just wasn’t up to the combination of wind and snow. 🙁

My portable garage destroyed by snow and wind.

The view out the basement window wasn’t exactly encouraging!

My portable garage destroyed by snow and wind.

Starting the main digging out at 8:30 this morning. I had cleared everything when we got home from the trip, but you’d never know it.

Shovelling snow off the deck in November

We shouldn’t have berms this size until February even in a heavy snow year. I heard on the radio that we now have 70% of the normal total for an entire winter – on the last day of November!

Shovelling snow off the deck in November

An even worse-looking angle on the garage. Thank heaven that’s a really old beater truck under that ton of snow and wreckage!

My portable garage destroyed by snow and wind.

The drive along the Alaska Highway into Whitehorse this morning. The city has done an amazing job of cleaning up – even the little back road we live on had a grader on it at 10:00 this morning.

Snowy Alaska Highway at Whitehorse on December 1st

The sun didn’t look very enthusiastic about coming up at 10:17 when I took this shot from the liquor store, but it’s now shining brightly.

Snowy Whitehorse on December 1st

I’m writing this at the cruise office, but it’s time to get home and fire up the snowblower to get more of the white stuff moved.