Another birding weekend

Ah, Spring, when the world is once again filled with the songs of birds. What better excuse to spend a few hours behind the lens of my camera. Here are some of the birds we saw in Dyea and Carcross over the weekend.

Below, a gray ruffed grouse on our driveway at Carcross.

Gray Ruffed Grouse at Carcross, Yukon.

Northern pintail on Lake Bennett.

Northern pintail on Lake Bennett.

Barrow’s Goldeneye males and females at Dyea.

Barrow’s Goldeneye males and females at Dyea.

Bufflehead males and females at Dyea.

Bufflehead males and females at Dyea.

A Greater Yellowlegs at Dyea, just after landing.

A Greater Yellowlegs at Dyea, just after landing.

The Greater Yellowlegs in a more commonly seen posture.

A Greater Yellowlegs at Dyea

Common merganser male and female at Dyea.

Common merganser male and female at Dyea.

Dark-eyed junco at Carcross.

Dark-eyed junco at Carcross.

White-crowned sparrow at Carcross.

White-crowned sparrow at Carcross.