A Fall road trip on the motorcycle

Well, we’ve had our first warnings that Winter isn’t far away – on Wednesday we had a few flakes of snow, on Thursday it was heavier. The first photo shows the view from the basement window as I was coming up after lighting the wood stove Thursday morning. I have that wood pile about 70% done – even though I have enough wood stacked in the shed and house to last the winter, I would like to get this cleaned up.

The view from the basement window as I was coming up after lighting the wood stove

I got the garage 3/4 ready for winter Thursday afternoon, and put my car in. When I looked in there on Friday morning, the sight of the motorcycle – “the noisy bike” is my usual term for it since getting the e-bike – and the rapidly-improving weather made a road trip seem like a good idea.

My garage 3/4 ready for winter

While I was getting ready to go, I got a 10-minute warning about a lunch date I’d forgotten. I sent Cathy a text telling her I’d forgotten and was heading north on the bike. At 12:05 I shot this selfie and was on the road a few minutes later.

Murray Lundberg with his 2010 V-Star 1100 Classic motorcycle

On the Alaska Highway at the western edge of Whitehorse at 12:40. There was a very strong, cold, south wind on my back.

On the Alaska Highway at the western edge of Whitehorse

My next photo stop was on the North Klondike Highway along Fox Lak at 1:20. The wind was rapidly stripping the Fall colours from most of the trees. Although I can stop the bike in places I can’t stop the car for photos, it’s more complicated – I have to put the bike on the kickstand and get my camera out of the zippered bag behind me.

Fall on the North Klondike Highway along Fox Lake

By 1:50 when I stopped to get this photo at Km 292 (from the ferry terminal in Skagway), the weather ahead was looking quite ugly.

Fall on the North Klondike Highway at Km 292

Just after 2:00, north of Montague Roadhouse, the temperature dropped dramatically, to just above freezing. When it started raining, I was half expecting it to turn to snow. I had dressed warmly, but if I had also brought a can of gas with me, I would have turned around, but I needed to get fuel at Carmacks. I took the next photo at 2:40 as I was about the head south again. I had hoped to do a bit of exploring around Carmacks but it was much too cold for that.

Fueling up my motorcycle at Sunrise Services in Carmacks, Yukon

I made a few Fall-colours photo stops on the way south, the first one just 10 minutes out of Carmacks.

Fall colours along the North Klondike Highway

A glimpse of a colourful side road at 3:00 prompted a U-turn. I couldn’t find the photos I’d hoped for there…

Fall colours along the North Klondike Highway

…but the puddle in the foreground of the photo above worked out well.

Fall colours along the North Klondike Highway

The final two photos show the Twin Lakes Campground just before 3:30 – I made a couple of loops around it just looking for photo ops, and shot a few, but the light and the wind were both bad for photos of the lakes.

Fall colours at Twin Lakes Campground, Yukon

I was getting hungry, so stopped at Braeburn Lodge for a bowl of soup and a couple of huge slices of their wonderful bread, as well as a cinnamon bun to take home.

I got home at 5:30, having put 398 km on the bike. Hopefully I can get a few more rides before the roads turn white.