Month: July 2020

COVID-19 in the Yukon – the past, present, and future

I haven’t said much about the COVID-19 situation here, mostly because it’s been changing so fast. Back on April 23rd my posted was entitled “It’s a strange world – I hope you’re all okay,” and that statement still applies. Our lockdown didn’t last very long, and we haven’t had...
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Return to Summit Creek and International Falls

This is Part 2 of the journal from a wonderful 4-day trip to the White Pass with the motorhome last week. The trip was so varied that I had to break it into 2 blog posts to accommodate a selection of the 381 photos remaining in the folder after...
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Back to the White Pass for a few days

With my health improving, I’ve worked my way slowly up to a normal outing with the motorhome, and the White Pass, 90 minutes south, has been my location each time. First a single day with the car 3 weeks ago, then 2 days with the motorhome, and I’ve just...
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