Month: June 2019

Planes and pilots and the importance of little airports

My regular readers know that I love airplanes. Yesterday, I drove to Carcross to attend a fly-in event sponsored by the Yukon chapter of the Canadian Owners and Pilots Association (COPA, Branch 106). Part of the reason I went was to support the Carcross Airport, which regularly gets threatened...
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A bit of granite therapy – hiking in the White Pass

I had to go to Skagway on Thursday to pick up a couple of packages at the post office, and it was one of those days that developed on the fly. I thought about taking the motorcycle, then maybe my dog with no dogs, then finally invited Bella and...
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Four days camping and playing at Kluane Lake, Yukon

My regular readers may have noticed that we haven’t been out in the motorhome much this year. There’s a lot going on, but last Friday we finally got away to Kluane Lake for a much-needed break. After a few delays (I had initially planned on going out Tuesday), the...
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A quick trip to Skagway – ships, planes, huskies and some rain

I made a quick trip to Skagway last Wednesday, mostly to pick up some shirts I’d ordered. The weather forecast wasn’t great but any drive through the mountains to Skagway is a good drive. Going through the summit area, the scenery wasn’t as spectacular as it is some days...
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Pride Parade 2019 – you looked fabulous, Whitehorse!

A bad case of writer’s block put me a month behind on the blog, but I think I’m just going to skip most of what happened during that month as far as blogging goes, and move on. Yesterday, the Pride Parade was held in Whitehorse, and it was extremely...
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