Month: July 2016

Hiking in the White Pass: the Railway Summit

I hadn’t checked the weather forecast when I drove Cathy back to Whitehorse on Sunday night, but since it’s seldom right, it was the sky when I went to bed back in the RV at Summit Creek that gave me hope for some great hiking on Monday and maybe...
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Another White Pass RV weekend

The weather for our first multi-day RV outing in the White Pass hadn’t been very good, so we decided to give it another try this past weekend. I had the rig ready to go when Cathy got home from work, but we stopped at Carcross for a good dinner...
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Hiking in the White Pass: Summit Creek Hill

My only big hike of our 4-day White Pass staycation – climbing Summit Creek Hill – started off as a short walk to photograph flowers, but the mountain kept calling my name 🙂 Just after 2:00 pm on Friday, I decided to go for a walk in a lush...
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Yukon RV staycation: 4 days in the White Pass

I want to be on the road exploring all the time now. I have another 2-week trip in mind for the near future, but last Thursday, I took the RV down to the White Pass for a 5-day “staycation”. The White Pass offers lots for me and the dogs...
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Five Days at the “New” Kluane Lake

This is another very long post, mostly because I couldn’t see a logical way to split it into two posts. I made the Canada Day long weekend an extra-long weekend by going out to Congdon Creek Campground on Kluane Lake on Wednesday morning. Cathy drove out in the Tracker...
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A visit to Tutshi Sled Dog Tours

I’m playing catch-up here again. Since getting home from the big trip, I’ve been having too much fun to even take time to write about it. This post is about a ride on the motorcycle down to see my friend Michelle Phillips’ new sled dog operation on the South...
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