That Spring feeling!
When I posted last Saturday that Winter was over, I must have tempted fate, because Father Winter returned the next day and got the de-icing crews at YXY back to work.

We’ve had a good run of days now where the temperature gets above freezing for a while now, though, and the White Pass summit area is loaded with people enjoying what may be the best snow conditions of the year. I was down to Skagway yesterday – the summit had 4-6 inches of fresh snow, the temperature was -6°C, and there was a steady stream of RVs of all types coming down the highway. Playing hookey for half a day or so to get a good parking spot at the Summit or Log Cabin is almost mandatory with these conditions on what, for many people, is a 4-day weekend!

Cathy and I were out for a walk around the neighbourhood today, and saw a few pussy willows fully out, and many of the willows are swollen. It seems pretty early, but it’s great to see them – come on Spring!