Now Winter can come

Since getting home from the Okanogan I’ve been so busy I hardly know which way is up! Lots of Yukoners are thinking “warm” so I’ve been working almost full time at the cruise office as well as all my other jobs. Something had to give, and it was cutting my own firewood in the bush. While I rather enjoy doing it, it’s just not a good use of time right now, so we’re having 10 cords of 16-foot-long firewood logs delivered and I can buck them up and stack the wood as I have time. Or as I need some chain saw therapy 🙂 The cost of 10 cords cut to fireplace length runs around $2,200-2,400 but getting the logs was “only” $1,500. The house is very efficient, though, so that will supply all of our heat for 2 years (and I already have 1 year in stock).

The photos below show the progress yesterday, from an empty wood-yard to one with 5 cords of logs in it. Two more loads will be arriving today and will unfortunately have to be dropped at locations that aren’t as convenient to the woodshed. The hydraulic dump trailer it’s coming in is very cool!

Firewood logs - area ready
Firewood logs - arrival
Firewood logs - ready to buck up