Summer projects – hot tub fill & greenhouse move
There’s a very long “to-do” list hanging on the fridge, and only 3 weeks until I head out of town again. The weather is mostly sunny and warm, so I’m not inclined to work on inside projects.
The first outside job the take care of was simple – clean the hot tub and get the water-guy out to fill it. We used to use well water, but the truck brings nicer water and it’s already heated – no stress on our well pump, filters or water heater.

Then the big job – move the greenhouse. I never have liked it where it was. It was a visual “clunk” in our beautiful view and it was so shaded that it was no good as a greenhouse. It’s very well built, though, so I didn’t want to just knock it down.
Step 1 – clean it out (including a few hundred pounds of soil).

Step 2 – jack it up, run a chain through it and tow it as close as possible to the new location beside the meat shed.

That was fairly easy…

A heavy rain stopped work for this day, but it was now really clear that the move was going to be a good idea.

Day 2 (yesterday), Step 3 – clear the willows from the new site.

Tidying up. Each of the 40 or so willow shoots was given a dose of Roundup to prevent re-growth.

Step 4 – this was the back-breaker: dragging/prying it into place with a comealong and pry bars.

Step 5 – move all the stuff that was in the greenhouse to its new home. We like the “camp” look of the new layout. Due to the trees it still won’t be a top-notch performer as a greenhouse but we aren’t avid gardeners anyway.

And the view from the upper deck this morning is hugely improved – that was a worthwhile project 🙂