Shortest day of the year
Today is “hump day” – from this point on we’ll be getting more and more sun each day. The sun will eventually come up at 10:10 today and at 3:48 it leaves our sky.
This has been a surprisingly easy winter for both Cathy and I for some reason – it must be a combination of being very busy and having excellent recreational activities that has reduced the seasonal gloom to near zero. Those activities include the hot tub, big-screen TV, ski trails that start at our back door, and the SAD light (all of them are used almost every day) 🙂
It’s now only about 2½ months or so until the worst of Winter is past! The graphic below shows the conditions as I’m posting this.

I expected to be able to show you a photo of the finished kitchen last night, but I ran out of framing wood and needed to come back out to Mary Lake to use the table saw for some kick-plate and counter top trimming, so this is as far as we got.