Renovation progress
It’s finally starting to feel like Spring, even though the wind still feels like it’s blowing straight off the glaciers. We’re in major renovation mode now. The wood I cut is almost all removed from around the property, though I have a lot of cutting-to-length, splitting and stacking to do yet.

What used to be a closet at the back door has been cut down to counter height, to serve as a serving area for the dining room, and to let more light in (combined with a new glass back door).

The barn is cleaned out and half of the interior wall cut out to allow for vehicle storage (the pickup for now, but who knows in the future 🙂 ). The 50 or so wheelbarrow loads of straw and horse nuggets are spread over the septic field to help raise it’s level above Spring runoff.

Yesterday the Home Hardware truck arrived with $6,000 worth of doors, decking and fence supplies, and I brought a pickup load down from the cabin where I’d stashed it when we moved from the city house in December. There’s also a bunch of stuff in the garage that I bought at Home Depot when I was Outside. It’s going to be a very busy couple of weeks coming! The final photo shows Cathy and Sharon discussing the project this morning as they headed off to work.