Exploring Denali National Park, Alaska

July 18, 2006: Fairbanks to Denali National Park – 125 milesI dropped my group off at the Alaska Railroad for their trip to the park, while I went ahead with the motorcoach and got their luggage into their hotel rooms before meeting them at the Denali railroad depot. This...
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Exploring Fairbanks, Alaska

The sign above the Trans Alaska oil pipeline interpretive site says “Canada my ass, it’s Alaska’s Gas!” – that’s one of the slogans used by the Alaskan Independence Party. It refers to the current controversy about building a natural gas pipeline down the Alaska Highway, which will require paying...
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Zipping Through the North

The hottest new active-tourism excursion in Alaska and the Yukon is the zipline tour. There are now 4 lines operating in Ketchikan and Juneau, Alaska, another in Whitehorse, Yukon, 2 more slated to open in Girdwood and Hoonah, Alaska, and another one possible in the Yukon. A zipline tour...
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On tour – passing through Tok, Alaska

It’s 06:04 and I’m sitting in my room at Young’s Motel In Tok. The air conditioning in my motorcoach died a few hours after leaving Whitehorse and it’s been hot as hell. The itinerary for this tour is one of the type designed for people who want to spend...
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Sam McGee on Etch-a-Sketch

I get a lot of really cool emails in my Inbox at ExploreNorth – here’s one I have to share with you. Ted Widen is a teacher in BC with a unique talent. While he had his Grade 10 students memorizing The Cremation of Sam McGee recently, he decided...
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Back to reality – from cruises to politics

It’s great to be back home, but it’s only for a few days, and am I busy! The focus since I got home has been to get my cruise review/album posted, and that’s now up at my YourAlaskaCruise.com site (though it’s one of those big projects that I’ll be...
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Back in the Yukon again!

The adventure is over, but we have memories that will last a lifetime. Cathy and I got home last night after getting off the Radiance of the Seas in Seward, Alaska, taking a bus to Anchorage and staying there overnight, onto a jet to Juneau and a Cessna 207...
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The half -way point on a pair of Alaska cruises

Due to really poor Internet connections on the ship, I gave up on posting while at sea the past week. Dad and I arrived back in Seattle early this morning, took the Quick Shuttle bus to Vancouver, and he’s about half-way back to Kelowna right now, while I’m at...
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