Politically correct? Not at Yukon Confidential

Many of you know what I think of the Yukon Government as a corporate entity. From the former heroin trafficker Premier to the nationally-famous hiring practices, I have nothing good to say about it. That’s why I’m very pleased to see a new blog devoted to airing the dirty...
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Music – the challenge of technological advances

I heard on CBC Radio yesterday that Caribou Records in Whitehorse is in deep trouble due to the popularity of downloading music. There’s no silver lining to the story – I’m sorry to see a valuable part of the vibrant Yukon music scene hurting, perhaps in a terminal way....
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Whitehorse visited on a flight around the world

I had just started down the Alaska Highway to Carcross yesterday afternoon when I got thoroughly distracted by an unsual bird. Descending out of the ragged clouds was a large aircraft with a paint scheme I’d never seen before. I pulled around and headed back to the airport at...
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The significance of domain names

Did any of you watch Dragon’s Den last night? If so, you saw just how significant a domain name can be when you’re promoting a Web site. The developers of UniversityParty.ca got turned down for financing largely because they don’t own UniversityParty.com (a company in New York owns it)....
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Please don’t grow up to be a Yukoner

This is another easy-to-amuse morning for me. I see that recruiters from Queen Margaret’s School, an “all girls’ university preparatory school” for Grades 7-12 are going to be in Whitehorse on Tuesday. Their half-page ad doesn’t say anything about their academic programme, but does say that the school, located...
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Lunch with a view – and jets! – in Whitehorse

Restaurants come and go regularly in Whitehorse, sometimes due to changes in the quality of the service and/or food (which means that Ricky’s will be the next to go), sometimes seemingly due merely to the fickle nature of public opinion. For the past 3 years or so, the most...
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Freelancing capital of the world?

I wonder where the freelancing capital of the world is. If Whitehorse isn’t it, it must be right up there. It seems like an enormous percentage of the population here is like me – they either freelance as their main gig, or at least has some sort of freelance...
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It may have been Hallowe’en, BUT…

The King of Poor Taste this year was certainly Whitehorse artist Lance Burton with his 5.4 meter (19 foot) replica of the World Trade Center with a couple of jetliners sticking out of it. That is in appallingly poor taste, and I’m equally appalled that the Yukon News would...
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There are no elephants in Alaska

At least as of last night there are no elephants in Alaska. Maggie, a 2-ton, 25-year-old African elephant, has spent most of her life at the Alaska Zoo in Anchorage, but last night was flown in a C-17 military cargo plane to the Performing Animal Welfare Society facility in...
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Bargain bald eagles next week!!

Eagles dive-bombing each other along the Chilkat Rver at at Haines, Alaska No, you can’t buy bald eagles cheaply next week, but with the US dollar going for 97.3 Canadian cents at banks today, getting to Haines, Alaska, to see the incredible Alaska Bald Eagle Festival is a bargain....
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