Happy Thanksgiving Weekend
For Canadians, this is Thanksgiving weekend, and for Americans it’s the Columbus Day long weekend. We hope that you all have a wonderful, safe holiday 🙂
On Friday I finished my firewood cutting for the year, and the next day (yesterday), woke up to a couple of inches of snow. This view from the basement, showing a pile of wood and more in my pickup, is very comforting to me, knowing that we have an ample supply of wood for the next couple of winters (what I need for this year is all in the house or the attached woodshed).

For Cathy and I, this isn’t a holiday weekend – we’re finally laying floor tile that’s been stacked up around the house for over a year. This is what the kitchen looked like yesterday morning, with all of the appliances removed. We’re thankful for friends who invited us for dinner tonight – this job is tough enough without missing out on a turkey-feast!

The job initially got sidetracked by a last-minute decision to install in-floor heating under the tile. By the time that system was delivered, I was focused on the travel agency. But, we want the job done before our house-sitter moves in for a month, so here we go. Here’s Molly watching the heating system installation 🙂 We got that finished yesterday except for the electrical hookup, and the floor is chalk-marked and prepped to start laying tile as soon as I have a good load of coffee in me.