Chain saw + sweat = mountain view

I love our new property. Most mornings, we have over 150 birds feeding at the 2 feeders or close by, and their sound filling the forest is wonderful.

A busy Yukon bird feeder

Renovations have started on both property and house, though, and seeing if we could get a mountain view without losing any privacy was high priority. This was the view from the breakfast nook 3 days ago.

Our Yukon back yard before doing some logging to improve the view

Another issue was that a tree had fallen against the barn, doing some minor damage, and a huge one that could do serious damage is leaning over the barn.

A tree fell against our barn and had to go

I got the view cutline figured out, and the first major sweat has been cutting down trees the past couple of days. Today I’m resting – that’s tough work for an old man!

Logging our Yukon back yard to improve the view

This is the view looking back at the house from half way up the corral.

Tah-dah! Here’s Golden Horn this morning. I LOVE mountains, and having this view has made a huge difference to both of us.

Our new view of Golden Horn