Glaciers and spawning salmon
Last weekend, I took the opportunity to show Cathy and Bobbie some of the natural wonders that Monty and I have been enjoying while they’re at work, We first went high into the mountains to an alpine glacier, and then down to sea level to see thousands of spawning salmon at Skagway.
We stopped in Carcross for a few minutes, and while we were checking out the new tourist-retail complex, I heard that another of the historic cabins along the beach was being demolished. When I went for a look, though, it appears to be a ground-up restoration rather than a demolition.

We headed up to the glacier in the Tracker, knowing that the clouds might be too low to even see it, but they were just at the right height to be dramatic without blocking our view except for a minute or so every now and then. It was threatening to rain as we walked the 10 minutes to the overlook at about 5,200 feet elevation, but only a few light drops fell.

The glacier may be even more dramatic in this sort of weather.

Hmmmm – what does Monty see/hear/smell that we haven’t sensed yet? Mountain goat? Dall sheep? Grizzly??? Nothing came into sight, and he soon went back to watching Bobbie hike down from our high vantage point to the lake shore.

Paddy Peak itself was often hidden by the ragged clouds.

Perhaps because of the rain that had happened that morning, a lot of gravel and rocks were falling from the gravel-covered glacier face to the east. The sound was amazing, and we could have stayed there all day listening to it – it was like the glacier is a living, breathing spirit.

This is another spot where a video might give you a better idea of what the experience was really like. This one is 3 minutes long.
Low clouds moved in while Bobbie was far below, and she disappeared for an uncomfortably long time. Monty seemed to still be able to hear her moving on the gravel and rocks, though. The photo makes it look like the ridge wasn’t a very pleasant place to be, but that’s actually not true – the overall experience was wonderful.

Fall colours are just starting to get good in the high country – it will be another couple of weeks before they’re really good.

We originally had Skagway as a backup plan in case the weather shut us out of the high country, but decided to go down for a late lunch and to see the spawning salmon in Pullen Creek anyway. We arrive at the creek to find these cruise ship crew members harassing salmon right in front of a sign saying not to touch them. Bobbie and I both pointed out to them that what they were doing is illegal and carries a stiff fine.

Monty, as always, just wanted to watch the salmon, seemingly trying to figure out what they were doing.