Garage sale weekend

Garage sales can be fun – both going to them and having them. I’ve already got too much “stuff” so haven’t been to one in a long time now (a long time as in years), but it’s time to do “the final sort” to get things cleaned up and organized at the new house, so Saturday is Garage Sale Day.

Chain link fencing, tires, a computer system, hundreds of books and magazines – it’s quite a pile to go through. Between the garage and the barn, I now have enough space for most things, but my library space still needs to be about 4 times as large as it is. I started sorting boxes of books and found that more was going into the “keep” pile than into the “sale” pile. Oh well, I’ll get it figured out in a few days – after the garage sale, a trip to Raven Recycling, and one to the landfill (sigh)…