First Rain of the Year

It’s been about 6 months since we had rain. We get lots of precipitation over the winter, but none of it is wet. As a result, the first rain of the year is quite exciting to Yukoners.

We’ve had a few forecasts calling for a 30% chance of showers, but nothing fell where I was. Yesterday I could see showers off in the distance, but none fell where I was. Today as I walked along the Yukon River, it looked like there might be a good dowhpour falling on my home, but it must have just missed.

A few minutes ago, though, the rain came! Not a lot, but enough to get everything wet. The first rain quickly brings the first plants, and crocuses are among the first arrivals. So, although it seems funny for someone who used to hate rain to say, “I love rain!” But only a day here and there, and not on weekends 🙂