Firewood: getting warm now to stay warm all Winter
The rest of the firewood logs have now been delivered, and due to a breakdown of the trailer dump, the timing worked out very well. It was only possible to get 3 loads dropped out of the way – load #4 was going to block entry to the portable garage where the wood/snowplow truck is parked. Because of the trailer breakdown during delivery #3, though, I had a few hours to get load #3 bucked up and tossed out of the way.
I worked until I couldn’t move anymore last night, then finished the job this morning as the sun was coming up.

Load #4 arrived about half an hour after I had finished clearing a spot for it. It’s said that firewood warms at least twice, and that’s very true – even doing it this way, I get warmed up while bucking the logs up, again while stacking the wood, again while moving it into the house, and finally when it burns. That shiny new furnace-oil tank on the right will get little or no use again this year 🙂

I want that trailer!

This is what 10 cords of wood looks like. It’ll take a few days of hard work to get it cut up and stacked under cover, and it could take some time to find those few days, but it doesn’t really matter now. Although it looks really messy from the bedroom window, it’s a mess that we like seeing 🙂