Driving a lengthy section of the original (1942) Alaska Highway

For the past 31 years, I’ve wondered what was down a road that leaves the Alaska Highway at Km 1633.7, just west of Boutillier Summit. On September 7th we drove 6.3 km of it, and I know enough about it now to plan a further exploration, probably on the e-bike. The road is about 15 km long in total.

We left the highway in the Jeep just before 1:30, and because of the direction of the sun, all the photos except the first 2 were shot on the return to the highway.

At Km 2.1 from the highway the road splits – the one to the left goes to the communications facility and tower seen in the next 2 photos.

A communications facility and tower above Christmas Creek on the Alaska Highway
A communications facility and tower above Christmas Creek on the Alaska Highway

Now we’ll go to the furthest point we reached, 6.3 km from the highway – I’ll call this Km 6.3 and tie the other photos to it. The next photo shows the road as it continues past that point.

A section of the original (1942) Alaska Highway at Christmas Creek, Yukon

While the old Alaska Highway turns left here to cross Boutillier Creek, another, smaller, road goes straight ahead – I know nothing about it yet, but satellite photos show that it goes many miles off into the wilderness along Boutillier Creek.

A section of the original (1942) Alaska Highway at Christmas Creek, Yukon

In the next photo, we are heading back towards the highway from that junction at Km 6.3.

A section of the original (1942) Alaska Highway at Christmas Creek, Yukon

Km 5.3.

A section of the original (1942) Alaska Highway at Christmas Creek, Yukon

The only hill of note is at Km 4.5.

A section of the original (1942) Alaska Highway at Christmas Creek, Yukon

At Km 4.4 is what appears to be part of a very old truck box – not military, but home-built and very early.

A section of the original (1942) Alaska Highway at Christmas Creek, Yukon

The next 2 photos were shot at Km 3.8. This is a dream road for the e-bikes.

 section of the original (1942) Alaska Highway at Christmas Creek, Yukon
 section of the original (1942) Alaska Highway at Christmas Creek, Yukon

Km 2.5.

A section of the original (1942) Alaska Highway at Christmas Creek, Yukon

The junction with the communications facility road, at Km 2.1.

A section of the original (1942) Alaska Highway at Christmas Creek, Yukon

Back at the modern Alaska Highway, with Kluane Lake visible in the distance.

I needed to know where the road came back out onto the modern Alaska Highway, and it was easy to locate. This is at Km 1621.5 of the modern highway.

A section of the original (1942) Alaska Highway at Christmas Creek, Yukon