Dealing with the nastiest day of Winter
Some of you may have thought that I was just being negative with my post “Sucked in by the Weather Office Again?“. Well, the forecast that I was referring to called for temperatures of +5°C and showers for today. What we actually have is -25, high winds and heavy snow!!
Yesterday was the nastiest day I’ve seen in a long time and today isn’t looking much better. I started to drive into town yesterday but drove into the ditch as I was turning off our street onto the main road in Mary Lake because it was all white and formless and I couldn’t tell where the road was. I was hardly moving and one wheel front of the truck had just started to drop so four-wheel-drive got me back onto the road, but I turned around and went back home.
I spent almost an hour out with the snowblower yesterday but frostbit 4 fingers so cut it back to half an hour this morning, but there’s a lot of work to do yet. I’ll post some photos when the sun comes up in about half an hour (sunrise is at 10:00 today, sunset at 16:17). While this all sounds rather negative, I actually find conditions like this quite energizing.
Edit: photos added…
The upper deck is always a big job by shovel, especially when I start pulling drifts off the roof (I haven’t done that yet).

I got the snowblower up onto the lower deck, which made that job a breeze.

The step down from the lower deck has disappeared into the drifts caused by the high winds yesterday and this morning.

The bulk of the work is now done, in about 1/3 the time it took last year with the truck-mounted plow and a shovel. 🙂 The huge bonus is that there’s no berm beside the driveway and paths – the snow is just gone, seemingly blown off to Tagish or some other distant place.