Category: Whitehorse

Freelancing capital of the world?

I wonder where the freelancing capital of the world is. If Whitehorse isn’t it, it must be right up there. It seems like an enormous percentage of the population here is like me – they either freelance as their main gig, or at least has some sort of freelance...
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High country ‘Horse – Mt. McIntyre

Today may well have been the last warmish day for a very long time, and it was a great day to get into the high country above Whitehorse again. Mount McIntyre was today’s destination – with a side trip down to Fish Lake afterward, the whole adventure only took...
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Did nobody come to our party?

For months there have been forecasts of Canada-Games-period Whitehorse becoming a jam-packed city where you can’t get groceries, gas or a meal without huge lineups. Well, I went into town on Saturday filled with dread, and found a ghost town. SuperStore was nearly empty, maybe half what you would...
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Air show, Yukon style!

Air shows are common today in communities of all sizes all over the world. Not many communities have air shows quite like Whitehorse, though. The show this past weekend (February 17 & 18) was the 36th annual winter air show, part of the Sourdough Rendezvous, a boistrous celebration of...
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Coldest place on the planet?

Apparently that’s what some weather media Outside are saying. In Whitehorse it was only -40°C this morning, which is bloody cold for November, but in January is no big deal. There was a term on the Environment Canada site this morning that I don’t recall seeing before, though –...
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Just Plane Nuts

Aviation is an important part of life for Northern residents, because it’s either too far to drive anywhere, or there are no roads. But for a large percentage of Northerners, aircraft are much more than a necessity. That was proven again tonight when word spread that the world’s largest...
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