Please don’t grow up to be a Yukoner

This is another easy-to-amuse morning for me. I see that recruiters from Queen Margaret’s School, an “all girls’ university preparatory school” for Grades 7-12 are going to be in Whitehorse on Tuesday. Their half-page ad doesn’t say anything about their academic programme, but does say that the school, located near Duncan on Vancouver Island, has an “on-campus equestrian program” (and the photo shows off their lovely uniforms). Perfect for those government employees who are afraid that their girls might grow up to become Yukoners 🙂

On a serious note, though, what a shame that some people don’t want to send their kids to schools in Whitehorse. I well remember when my kids went to school and I was haunted by what goes on in schools everywhere. But do kids who go to schools such as QMS actually do better in the long run? Better in the wholistic sense – are they happier people? Or it just a prestige thing in some circles to say that you sent your daughter to a residential school of that type?