Exploring Kona, Hawaii
On Thursday, we were scheduled to be docked at Kailua-Kona (Kailua Village) from 11:00 am until 8:00 pm, and our plan was to rent a car and just explore Kona district, with a coffee plantation and a historic site being the must-sees. Sunrise off the west coast of the...
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Re-discovering the charm of Atlin
This article was originally written for the Destination BC Blog, and was re-posted here under the same date when that blog was closed. I first discovered the village of Atlin by air, during a life-changing tour of the Far North that took me from my home in Langley to...
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Day 3: Grand Canyon to the Utah border
To tell you about Day 3 requires more than one post – after editing, I have 537 photos in the day’s file. So I’m cutting this one off at the Utah border, which I reached just after 3:00 pm. This was the planned route – seems simple and short...
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Wandering along the Alaska Highway on the motorcycle
Summer has finally returned to the Yukon, and yesterday I was dying to get back on my motorcycle. Checking out the recently-reopened Johnson’s Crossing Lodge, 110 km down the Alaska Highway, was as good an excuse as any 🙂 What a superb day to be on 2 wheels. There...
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A small herd of Mustangs (of the P-51 variety) at Whitehorse
Having three P-51 Mustangs overnight at Whitehorse brought a lot of people out to the airport for a look. They are from the Bremont Horsemen Aerobatic Team, which first took off over a decade ago as the world’s only P-51 Mustang formation aerobatic team, though they fly several other...
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Two days in the Phoenix, Arizona, area
Wednesday was planned to be a very exciting, very busy day – confirming purchase of the motorhome, getting a lot of export/import paperwork started, and perhaps even getting the rig packed for the trip back to the Yukon. It didn’t turn out that way, though. The day started early,...
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Sicamous to Hinton via the Icefields Parkway
From Sicamous, there are two reasonable routes to Hinton – the one through Kamloops and north on Hwy 5 is 658 km, the other up the Icefields Parkway through the heart of the Rockies is 53 km shorter, though it takes about the same time, or longer if you’re...
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Going deep at the Britannia Mine Museum
One of the biggest challenges that most museums have is visibility. How do you get your museum to stand out among the clutter of life, or even among other museums? That, however, is not a problem for the Britannia Mine Museum. Anyone who drives the spectacular Sea to Sky...
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Exploring Stewart, BC and Hyder, Alaska
I reached Stewart at 3:00 pm on Easter Sunday. Although very quiet, I was surprised by the amount of activity – I didn’t know that several mines are in exploration, development of production phases. This hoist is moving containers on the trailers, I think to increase axle loadings now...
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To coal mining country in the Alberta Rockies
Yesterday was supposed to be an at-home day. No, really, it was – I was just going out for groceries! After putting a few bags of food in the trunk, I decided to go a few miles and get photos of some highway signs for my files, like this...
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