Back to work at home
I’m now back to reality after that great road trip. Yesterday I picked up a big load of renovation stuff at Home Hardware, including this 1,900 pound pallet of Italian ceramic tiles for the entry and kitchen. The tiles are 20×20 inches each – tougher to work with, particularly since I’m laying them on the diagonal, but they’ll sure cover the floor in a hurry!

The warm sun makes it almost impossible to work inside for now, so this is a good excuse to get the mess cleaned up from my last logging, which was done to improve the view to Golden Horn, and to take out a couple of trees that were hazardous to the house. I’ll have 2 large pickup loads of branches to go to the landfill (unlike Carcross, no burning is allowed here – I found that out when the fire truck showed up last year 🙂 ), and a good-sized addition to my firewood stock.