Back to our peaceful world
Carcross is still my sanctuary if I just mind my own business.
Even though Fall is in the air, we’re having beautiful weather for our 3-day Discovery Day weekend. On Saturday my son and his partner joined us for a particularly fine day, then yesterday Cathy and I disappeared into the wilderness of Montana Mountain with Kayla and Monty. It’s not quite the wilderness it used to be, but even though we saw no large animals up close (we were really hoping for a grizzly but would have settled for some caribou), we only saw 5 ATVs, a Jeep and 5 mountain-bikers, which is pretty good for a long weekend, and only 1 ATV went as far back as we did (to Columbian Lake or “the 3rd stone house”).
The mountain is truly therapeutic for me, and apparently for Cathy as well – the 6 hours we spent up there felt like 2. The dogs had a ball, and even got to play in the snow – they slept like the dead when we got back to the cabin.
It’s now 07:45, all of my Web site updates are done and it’s looking like another excellent day. Since there’s no beach to play on due to the exceptionally high water, we just may head into the high country again today.