A heartbreaking week

This past week has been one of tragedy compounding tragedy, in my little world and the larger one. I need to stop reading or watching the news – I can barely handle the news that arrives without me looking for it.

A couple of days ago I heard that a friend’s 20-year-old daughter was critically injured by a drunk driver on Vancouver Island. Yesterday a pilot I know and respect crashed his plane and killed 4 members of one family and another man.

The trigger for this post was the news received by nerves already raw that 3 of the men trying to rescue the trapped coal miners in Utah were killed – in 1976 I worked on the underground mine rescue team at the huge Granduc Copper Mine in northern BC. I can still recall vividly the 2 rescues that we worked on several miles underground – it’s the sort of situation you just cannot imagine unless you’ve been there.

As I was writing that last sentence I got a phone call telling me about the man drowned in the Yukon River yesterday. It’s someone I used to work with – he died saving his son who had fallen in.

Add massive suicide bombings in Iraq and earhquakes in Peru to really total the week. It’s time to quit thinking…