An update on Murray’s health – and Happy Spring!

This will be a significant first-afternoon-of-Spring today. Significant because I didn’t expect to be alive to see it. I was going downhill so fast that after my doctor asked if I had my estate in order (a year or so ago) and a few weeks later said we could discuss long term care on my next visit, it was clear where this was going and I had made plans to ensure that long term care was not how this was going to play out.

But here we are – in the past two months my cognitive abilities have improved (I can read!), my 5-km walks are getting easier, and yesterday I began talking to friends in Haines and Anchorage about getting together for hikes this coming summer. The first photo shows Cathy and I with our first firepit of the year, 8 days ago.

I got the roof of the motorhome shovelled off and moved it out into the sunshine. I have a serious itch to hit the road, but if I do it will be something very short and close – the White Pass for 3 days perhaps.

The next photo was shot on the trails at the Whitehorse airport 5 days ago. Despite a nasty wind, it was a beautiful day to be out. I had borrowed Rosie from friends so her first foster mom could spend some time with her (Rosie was a YARN rescue – isn’t she gorgeous?)

The next photo was shot at the Yukon Wildlife Preserve 2 days ago – that’s a 5.3-km walk.

The improvements in my health largely happened suddenly the morning after a session with my osteopath. While I don’t understand what’s going on, I don’t have dementia, because this sort of improvement can’t happen. What I do have now is a light at the end of what was a long, very dark tunnel – and that light is not a locomotive bearing down on me.

“Normal” is a long way off, and perhaps I’ll never get back to where I was before I was injured in August 2019. But although I’m very delicate, I’m okay – I can do the things that really need to be done. Creative writing is beyond my abilities, as is complex thinking. While I’d love to get those back, my life is okay without them. My life still runs in 3-5 hour segments, then I need a 1-2 hour recovery nap. Travel by air isn’t possible – even with noise-cancelling headphones I can’t deal with the noise or activity of airports or airplanes.

Anyway, Happy Spring, my friends. You’ve all been very important during this journey.

The final photo was shot along Tutshi Lake in May 2012 – a favourite grazing slope for black bears.