A good day for a drive to Skagway
I don’t really need an excuse to go to Skagway, but Cathy needed one to take a day off work to come with me. So I ordered a few things from Amazon.com and a few ABEBooks dealers, saving enough money to pay for a few such trips.
The weather office promised sunny weather but as usual was wrong. There was, however, lots of great frost so it was beautiful anyway. We stopped in Carcross to check on the cabin and to chat with a friend for a few minutes, then the dramatic sunbeam below prompted a stop at the Bove Island viewpoint.

Bove Island itself offered some interesting patterns…

…and semis are always good subjects for me. There was a lot of fuel being hauled up to Whitehorse today, but virtually no other traffic.

It was a great deal warmer in Skagway – +3°C (37F) when we arrived and it hit 5 (41F) as we were leaving. Winter was very close by, though. Not only are the mountains loaded with snow, the Skagway River was flushing a great deal of ice into the bay, forcing the seals to retreat far from their usual fishing ground.

The sun came out for a few minutes and lit up Yakutania Point…

…so that’s where we headed on foot. Two separate groups of people with unleashed and uncontrolled dogs made that a very short visit, but spending a half-hour in a “Fall” forest felt great. The colours and the smells of a land not covered in snow make a mid-winter trip to Skagway rather therapeutic 🙂