It was too nice to stay home…
…and I just couldn’t resist going to Skagway today. There were 4 large ships scheduled, so this was probably the last opportunity to see Skagway crazy-busy in the sunshine this year.
The timing was perfect to catch one of Spirit Lake Lodge’s trail rides crossing the South Klondike Highway.

The rebuild of the Caribou Hotel at Carcross is coming along beautifully – I am so looking forward to opening day next year.

The dogs did very well today – we made several stops for walks, at Robinson Roadhouse, the Carcross Desert, Conrad, Tutshi Lake, the Summit and other places. This photo shows International Falls at the White Pass summit. Some day I’m going to hike over for a close look – and maybe have a peek over the bare granite ridge it tumbles down from.

The Norwegian Pearl dominated Broadway.

Kayla loves these trips 🙂

The Norwegian Pearl and the Norwegian Star. The Diamond Princess and the Serenade of the Seas were over at the Railway Dock, and Cruise West’s little Spirit of Discovery was at the Ferry Dock.

We made a short stop at the cabin on the way home – the fireweed has all gone to seed there now.